GracePoint Sydney

bringing Jesus to the city of Sydney

Community Groups

Our Community Groups – A Place To Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life

IMG_1645We believe that God’s purpose for you is to enjoy a relationship with Him. You were planned and made for God’s pleasure in life – to grow and enjoy a relationship with the God who made you and loves you deeply i.e. to be known by God and to know him. That’s what worship is all about: learning to enjoy God in all of life as you order your life around Him. Our community groups is a place where you can begin this journey of discovery together with others. We believe joining one will transform your life.

Our Community Group Meetings

Most of us want to personally know God and experience him in life. We want to live with purpose and meaning beyond the daily grind, but very few people experience this. It’s for this reason we’ve included 4 purposes that express a personal life of worship in every community group meeting, with the opportunity to surrender our whole lives to God at the end of each meeting. We believe that God has called us to faithfully live these out, so that we might grow to know and experience him in life each day.

Each community group focuses on helping you:

Connect With God’s Family (Fellowship)

Growth comes when we are walking with God and his family. God made us for relationship. You cannot love God if you don’t love his family. This part of the meeting will help you get to know others in your community group to help you have a sense of belonging. It’s designed to open your time together and to provide a fun way to share your personal lives with each other.

Grow To Be Like Christ (Discipleship)

At the heart of each community group meeting is a time where you open up the Bible. Each week you’ll look at a passage from the Bible. The focus will be on understanding how studying and responding to God’s Word each week can make a difference in your life. We hope that you will not just know the truth, but experience and live it in a practical way.

Serve Others In God’s Family (Ministry)

Many of us want to know our unique God given gifts and abilities for ministry, and how we can best serve God. This part of the meeting will help you along the way. Every other week or so in our community groups you will be encouraged to take practical steps in learning to use the gifts and abilities God has given you to serve him and others better.

Witness In God’s World (Witness)

The hardest thing to do in the Christian life is to witness where God has placed you. It scares you, it strains relationships, and it’s just plain hard. All of us feel this way. But God calls you to witness for him to others who don’t know him, wherever he has placed you. It’s much easier to take practical, small steps that can be integrated into your every day life. Every other week or so you in our community groups you will have an opportunity to take a small step.

Surrendering Your Life To God In Worship (Worship)

A surrendered life – heart, mind and spirit is what pleases God. Each small group meeting will give you a chance to respond to God by surrendering your life to God and to one another in prayer. In addition, you’ll be introduced to a time of community group worship that will include singing together, listening to a song, reading psalms and occasional sharing in the Lord’s Supper. This part of the meeting will transform your life in ways you never thought possible.